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Women’s Day Spotlight: Tshegofatso Motsuenyane

Women’s Day Spotlight: Tshegofatso Motsuenyane
Women’s Day Spotlight: Tshegofatso Motsuenyane

Women’s Day Spotlight: Tshegofatso Motsuenyane

 5 min reads


This Women’s Month, we are excited to honor and celebrate the incredible contributions of women from all walks of life and across various fields. Today, we shine a special spotlight on two exceptional women, Cwenga and Tshegofatso, who were outstanding participants in our January Bootcamp! Their dedication and achievements inspire us all.


"My name is Tshegofatso Motsuenyane, and I am a passionate and dedicated tech enthusiast. My journey into the tech world began out of curiosity and a desire for something different. As a creative person, I initially thought tech was only for analytical people, but I soon discovered this wasn't true. Over time, I have honed my skills through various projects and collaborations, constantly learning and adapting to new challenges. Despite some obstacles, I have remained committed to my growth and development in the tech field."

What inspired you to choose a career in web development?

“Curiosity. The more I learned about coding and building websites, the more I enjoyed it. The process of creating something from scratch and seeing it come to life is incredibly rewarding. This growing passion for the field solidified my decision to pursue a career in web development.”

A Day in the Life

“Mornings in a typical day of my life are spent having breakfast with family. Afterward, I usually tend to my garden. The rest of my day is a mix of checking my emails, applying for jobs, studying, or working on some old projects.”

What part of your daily work excites you the most and why?

“What excites me the most is the continuous learning and growth that comes with each project. Each new challenge presents an opportunity to deepen my understanding, explore creative solutions, and improve my skills. This dynamic aspect of web development keeps me engaged and motivated, as I’m always discovering new ways to innovate and enhance my work.”

How did Zaio play a role in shaping your career in web development?

“Zaio played a crucial role in shaping my career in web development. They offered a lot of project-based practice and comprehensive courses on the most relevant languages and frameworks in the industry. Working on these projects helped me apply and hone my skills in a practical setting. The courses covered key technologies like React, JavaScript, and Node.js, making sure I was well-versed in the tools and frameworks that matter most. Plus, having access to great tutors provided me with personalized support and guidance, which really enhanced my learning experience.

One of the most impactful experiences I had during my time at Zaio was the interview readiness sessions. These sessions were particularly valuable because they helped me better understand the interview process, including how to handle technical questions, communicate my problem-solving approach, and manage interview stress. This practical experience was crucial in helping me prepare for actual job interviews with confidence and clarity.”

Professional Achievements and Experiences

Can you share a project you are particularly proud of and explain why it stands out to you?

“My Airbnb clone project. I really enjoyed this project because it allowed me to apply and integrate a wide range of skills I’ve learned. From setting up the backend with Express and MongoDB to creating a responsive frontend with React, it was a great way to see how everything connects.”

What challenges have you encountered as a woman in tech, and how have you addressed them?

“As a woman in tech, I have (thankfully) yet to encounter significant challenges, largely due to the increased awareness and initiatives aimed at bringing more women into the tech space. The growing focus on diversity and inclusion has created a more supportive environment, and I’ve been fortunate to benefit from this positive shift. I am grateful to be surrounded by people who support and uplift women in the tech industry. This supportive network, along with various programs and communities dedicated to promoting gender diversity, has contributed to a more welcoming and equitable environment.”

Inspirations and Advice

Who has been a significant influence or mentor in your tech career, and what have you learned from them?

“One of the significant influences in my tech career has been Pawel, a software engineer and former student of mine. He taught me that in the tech industry, it is important to have a penchant for continual growth, learning, and change. And to never forget that failure is a huge opportunity to learn. His teachings have encouraged me to approach challenges with resilience and an open mind, helping me to grow both personally and professionally in my tech career.”

What advice would you give to young women who are interested in pursuing a career in tech?

“If you are passionate about this field, just go for it. Leave no room for self-doubt as it will only slow you down.”

Future Aspirations

What are your long-term career goals and aspirations in the tech industry?

“In the long run, I’d like to move into a senior developer role where I can focus on creating great web applications and improving user experiences. I’m excited about the chance to work on diverse and challenging projects that push the limits of what web development can do. To get there, I plan to keep learning and adapting to new technologies and best practices in the field. I’ll work on interesting projects, take on new challenges, and possibly pick up some additional certifications along the way. I also want to give back to the web development community by contributing to open-source projects and sharing what I’ve learned with others. My goal is to build effective, user-friendly web solutions and continue growing as a developer.”

How do you envision the future of women in tech, and what role do you hope to play in that future?

“As the industry grows, I hope there will be more initiatives supporting diversity and inclusion, making everyone feel welcome and valued. My goal is to help create a supportive network for women in tech, where we can lift each other up, celebrate our achievements, and tackle challenges together. By playing my part, I hope to contribute to a more inclusive and diverse tech industry for future generations.”


What are some of your hobbies or interests outside of work that help you stay balanced and motivated?

“When I am not in my garden, I enjoy volunteering in youth activities at church. This involvement allows me to give back to the community and stay connected with others. I also make time to catch up with friends, which helps me unwind and maintain a healthy work-life balance.”

Is there a personal quote, mantra, or piece of wisdom that you find particularly inspiring and would like to share with our community?

“The quickest way to succeed is to start now and figure it out as you go. You can’t learn to drive in a parked car.” This quote taught me there’s no better time than now to start working on your goals. It inspires me to face my fears head-on. By embracing challenges as they come, I can learn, grow, and move closer to success.”

Celebrating Resilience and Inspiring Change

As we conclude this special Women’s Day edition, we reflect on the incredible stories of Tshegofatso and Cwenga. Their journeys remind us that the tech industry is not just about codes and algorithms; it’s about curiosity, creativity, and the courage to break barriers. These women exemplify resilience, determination, and the power of community in shaping successful careers.

Their achievements are a testament to the growing opportunities for women in tech, fueled by support, mentorship, and a relentless drive to innovate. By sharing their stories, we hope to inspire more women to step into the tech world, embrace challenges, and pursue their passions with confidence.

At ZAIO, we are committed to creating an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive. We believe in the power of diversity to drive innovation and progress. As we look to the future, we envision a tech industry where talent knows no gender, and everyone has the opportunity to shine.

Let this edition be a call to action for all of us to support, uplift, and celebrate the women in our lives and communities. Together, we can build a more inclusive, diverse, and dynamic tech industry.

Thank you for joining us in this celebration of women in tech. Let’s continue to inspire, innovate, and empower each other.

Happy Women’s Day!