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Women’s Day Spotlight: Cwenga Gosa

Women’s Day Spotlight: Cwenga Gosa
Women’s Day Spotlight: Cwenga Gosa

Women’s Day Spotlight: Cwenga Gosa

 5 min reads


This Women’s Month, we are excited to honor and celebrate the incredible contributions of women from all walks of life and across various fields. Today, we shine a special spotlight on two exceptional women, Cwenga and Tshegofatso, who were outstanding participants in our January Bootcamp! Their dedication and achievements inspire us all.


"My name is Cwenga Gosa. I’ve always been a logical thinker with a love for puzzles and debating. I left university in the middle of a BSc in applied mathematics and took a gap year before joining the Zaio bootcamp in January 2024. I am now awaiting my results from Zaio as our final projects are being marked."

What inspired you to choose a career in web development?

“As a child, I loved puzzles, especially Sudoku. Every time I got a toy with moving parts, I would carefully pull the pieces apart to see how it worked, then try to put it back together to see if I could make it work again. It only made sense that I would end up looking for a math-based career. After learning Python in school, I knew I wanted to do something in tech. I found out about the Zaio bootcamp on TikTok and thought I should give it a chance. I didn’t fully understand what web development entails; I just knew I liked to code.”

A Day in the Life

“I don’t have a consistent routine. My work days usually consist of praying and doing my school work. I decide which one I will do in the morning and which in the evening. I do the task that feels more difficult first, depending on how I’m feeling that day. Then on weekends, I just apply for jobs and visit friends.”

What part of your daily work excites you the most and why?

“I really enjoy working on projects. I usually play music when I code. It’s fun and it feels good to see your idea come to life.”

How did Zaio play a role in shaping your career in web development?

“Before Zaio, I never considered building websites. It helped me see a future for myself in the tech space. I now have a pretty solid foundation in web development and a lot of skills under my belt. My most impactful experience at Zaio was doing a webinar interview with Akhil. The interview was a reflection of my experience at Zaio. Through that interview, I realized how much I had learned in six months, how hard I worked, and how much more accomplished I am now than before I started the bootcamp. At that moment, I felt very proud of myself.”

Professional Achievements and Experiences

Can you share a project you are particularly proud of and explain why it stands out to you?

“I am particularly proud of my Netflix landing page. I remember being confused about how we’re going to build Netflix. It’s a website that I use almost every day, and I was amazed at how I could build my own version. That was the project that opened my eyes to what I can do as a web developer and the kind of companies I could work with. I began to imagine all the different websites I could build after that.”

Inspirations and Advice

Who has been a significant influence or mentor in your tech career, and what have you learned from them?

“I do not have any specific tech mentors, but I have learned a lot from the tutors at Zaio. Asif showed me the importance of community, to have people to collaborate with, build projects, fix bugs, and share ideas. My interview sessions with Wamashudu also showed me the importance of confidence (you become more persuasive) even when asking questions.”

What advice would you give to young women who are interested in pursuing a career in tech?

“For women wanting to enter the tech space, I would say, do whatever you want. Apply for whatever you want. Believe in yourself. I never understood the concept of things being gendered. If you have the skill and you believe you can, then do whatever your heart desires. A space being male-dominated shouldn’t stop you. Women have broken barriers before, and they will continue to do so.”

Future Aspirations

What are your long-term career goals and aspirations in the tech industry?

“It’s difficult to say what my long-term career goals in tech are, as tech is very broad and I am still at the very beginning of my journey. Outside of web development, there is software development, data and analytics, and cybersecurity. I want to try as many as I can to see what best suits me. I simply hope that in whatever path I choose, I become highly skilled and sought-after.”

How do you envision the future of women in tech, and what role do you hope to play in that future?

“I envision a future where there are no women in tech, there are just people in tech. Unfortunately, the world doesn’t work like that. There are women who do not enter the tech space because it’s male-dominated. They do not see how they can fit into that space. I hope for a future where there are many women pursuing careers in tech. For that to happen, they need to see other women being successful in the industry. I hope to be one of those women, inspiring others to enter the space.”


What are some of your hobbies or interests outside of work that help you stay balanced and motivated?

“I enjoy debating. When I am free on weekends, I adjudicate high school debates. I am also a traditional healer. I am still learning from my mentor, so at times, I go to her, help her with her work, and absorb as much knowledge as I can.”

Is there a personal quote, mantra, or piece of wisdom that you find particularly inspiring and would like to share with our community?

“My personal mantra is ‘one day at a time.’ I am an over-thinker, and that tends to get overwhelming. I always remind myself to break it all down and focus on what I can do on that day to get to where I hope to be. Worrying about the future distracts you from working in the present. Every goal you achieve in a day gets you one step closer to the future you dream of.”

Celebrating Resilience and Inspiring Change

As we conclude this special Women’s Day edition, we reflect on the incredible stories of Tshegofatso and Cwenga. Their journeys remind us that the tech industry is not just about codes and algorithms; it’s about curiosity, creativity, and the courage to break barriers. These women exemplify resilience, determination, and the power of community in shaping successful careers.

Their achievements are a testament to the growing opportunities for women in tech, fueled by support, mentorship, and a relentless drive to innovate. By sharing their stories, we hope to inspire more women to step into the tech world, embrace challenges, and pursue their passions with confidence.

At ZAIO, we are committed to creating an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive. We believe in the power of diversity to drive innovation and progress. As we look to the future, we envision a tech industry where talent knows no gender, and everyone has the opportunity to shine.

Let this edition be a call to action for all of us to support, uplift, and celebrate the women in our lives and communities. Together, we can build a more inclusive, diverse, and dynamic tech industry.

Thank you for joining us in this celebration of women in tech. Let’s continue to inspire, innovate, and empower each other.

Happy Women’s Day!